Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cat Hair, Cat Hair, Everywhere...

                                                     Our Kitties: Littles, Emma, Pollie and Rollie                     

Our 4 cats shed hair like they get paid to do it. It's annoying mostly because I don't like to clean. Our socks always look like they have built in slippers at the end of the night. It pisses me off, yet I kind of don't care at the same time. Why? Because our cats are awesome. They're like people, with attitudes and fights and even eating disorders. One of the biggest reasons why I like to cook in the slow cooker is because I get a no-cat-hair-guarantee once the lid is on. Freaking cat hair all over the keyboard as I type. But seriously, they are awesome. Every time we get really into a TV show, we discuss which cat best fits what character and why, we have pretend conversations with them (and yes, we both do cat voices) and when Jersey Shore is on, we hold them up and make them fist pump to house music. And they don't even care. I think they secretly like fist pumping.

One thing that's funny is that I never refer to them as kids...I never talk to them and refer to myself as Mommy or Jim as Daddy. I know that most people do but I don't. Maybe that's because I talk to my sister every morning on my drive to work and hear what it's like to actually be a mommy, and I can tell you it's not even close. My sister would never ignore her daughter's puke on the floor, waiting for her son to come eat it. Blech...I totally do that with the cats. Picking up cat puke makes me gag because the paper towel always soaks through and it's warm and wet and super nasty. So I leave it for a while to see if one of the other cats wants to snack on it. They always do. There must be something tasty about hot cat food because I swear they wait for each other to rowlf so they can enjoy their hot snack. I hope no one calls the ASPCA on me.

Did I mention that I'm allergic to cats? My life consists of a daily battle of hives, itchy eyes, runny nose, and nagging cough. I try to keep them out of the bedroom when we sleep so I have one sanctuary free from cat hair. Except for the fact that we let them in the bedroom every night to knead the blankets. So, I basically sleep on a pile of cat hair every night. So much for a cat hair free sanctuary.

Whatever. They're too much fun to worry about the puke and the hair. Life's too short and our pets' lives are even shorter. So enjoy them while they are with you. You can always clean some other time :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I don't think anyone's going to call the ASPCA on you - in fact, there was a whole week of "gross out" stuff in the pet blogosphere recently. Starting with (Read, the comments, we've all been there... :)
