Saturday, February 2, 2013

X Marks the Spot

There are lots of words that start with an X, but there are very few that I am familiar with. So I decided we could all get a little smarter today and learn some X words. Here we go:

Xanthippe: ill-tempered woman

I know nothing about this. I had to look up "ill tempered". Then I had to look up irritable, since I know nothing about that word either. While searching for "irritable woman" I came across my husband's blog. Jimmy, you and I are going to have a LONG talk when you get home from work. 

Xenobiotic : indicating a substance or item foreign to the body
This is one term an ER doctor has to use when he discovers the drunk guy getting his stomach pumped for alcohol poisoning also has the broken neck of a liquor bottle stuck in his ass.

Xenogamy: cross-fertilization
That sounds HOT. And creepy. Although it's probably less exciting in reality than what's going on in my head right now.

Xenomania: inordinate attachment to foreign things
World, meet my make-up. I am in love with it. Go ahead and judge. I don't even give a shit. 

Xenomenia: menstruation from abnormal orifices
...da fuck? Rag-mata? brain just melted in horror. How can it come out of another orifice? I can't handle this. I wanted to learn more, so I googled it. I found a site that was supposed to tell me what causes xenomenia. It didn't. And there was an article about Kama Sutra on the same page. It just made it worse. I closed the browser and hid under a blanket on the couch.

Xerotripsis: dry friction
The title of the book my jeans are writing (bah-dum ching!)

Xesturgy: process of polishing
The subtitle of the book my jeans are writing (wah-wah-wah-waaaaaaahhhhhh)

Then I came across perhaps the best X words I have seen:

Xylophagous: wood-eating
*tee hee hee*...gobble gobble.

Xylology: study of wood
*giggle giggle*...get in there real close and ingrain my vein in your brain. Observe my nerve. Remember the member. I could go on for days....

Xylomancy: divination by examining wood found in one's path
So the next time someone sticks their dong through a hole in the ladies (or men's) room, don't be angry. Tell the future. The future is growing right before your eyes...

Xylotherapy: use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease
OK, Jim. You win THIS time.

Xylophilous: fond of wood
Oh yeah...

Xylopolist: one who sells wood
Visit the rest stop on 146 South for more details.

Xylopyrography: engraving designs on wood with hot poker
Engraved wood says: I own you...well maybe not you, but I own your dong.

Xylotomous: wood-cutting; wood-boring
If you count the rings inside, you can tell how old it is.

I hope you have enjoyed these new words. Try to use them in ways that will enrich both your vocabulary, and perhaps your sex life :)

Stay Hungry Everyone,
Dana C.

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