Friday, May 24, 2013

Got your zucchini caught in your zipper? Why, you big stud!

I can’t help but watch this and smirk. I think it’s a funny commercial and the fact that men are outraged as to how they are portrayed just makes me realize what big babies humans can be. Is it fair? Probably not, but I kind of don’t care.

Check out the Reddit thread HERE where men are wicked offended by Samsung's new commercial.

I know that equality means we should all be treated equally, which really means there should be no commercials about “your typical man” or “your typical woman”  or "your typical anything", but there are. There are PLENTY of commercials out there that portray “your typical man” as a beer chugger. Or a sports nut. Or the owner of a man cave. Not all men drink beer, watch sports, or have a man cave. But there's no outrage over those stereotypes. Where does it stop? Where is the line? IS there a line anymore? 

This is what I know: I tend to not get offended easily (shocker), and maybe I should, but I don't. I don't get fired up about stuff, I'm not super passionate about stuff. It's what being lazy means. This commercial does not offend me. I think it's funny. I bet there are "stereotypical woman" commercials out there that I would think are funny too. Is that bad? Maybe for you, but not for me.

With that being said, it does hit a nerve that people are all fired up about THIS commercial just because men are outraged. It's in the freaking news, for Christ's sake. If this was about a woman, it would not make the news, just saying.

Women are stereotyped in commercials all the time, men. Get over it. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some bread baking and vacuuming to do before my man gets home. And we all know what happens if the chores aren't done before the head of the household gets home at 5:30, don't we ladies? That's right, you get a dick in the ol' poop shoot. Oh, that's not what happens in your house? Well, I'd ask my husband, but you know, he's so much smarter than I am, he'll probably just confuse me with math and big words. It's a good thing he saves me from having to think. Thinking makes me unattractive. At least, that's what my husband says.

See what I did there? 

Dana C.

P.S: Donate all of your Abercrombie and Fitch clothing to the homeless. Fuck Mike Jefferies for implying that anyone over a size 10 is plus sized, or unpopular, or uncool. Google Mike Jefferies and just look at his face. Silly Putty has more life to it. You can almost SEE the string holding his unnaturally high arched brows. If that blind surgeon's train wreck thinks he knows cool, he's in for a rude awakening. I would bet my life's worth that his hair stylist tries to talk him out that mid-life crisis boy-band haircut every 5 weeks when he shows up. Mike Jefferies, I hope when you get fat (and you WILL because karma will make sure of that) that the hoity-toity retirement home you're wasting away in doesn't have diapers in your big size because they're too cool for you. You fuckhead. 


  1. You see, you're awesome when you're all fired up. :)

    I obviously missed this commercial and won't drone on about gender equity in the media but you're on the right track. I do hope this isn't the post that sets your path toward stardom though as the internet is not a very good place to be a woman with an opinion. I loved it though. :)

    1. The reddit thread is crackinh me up!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
